Zgodnje opuščanje izobraževanja v ogledalu evropskih izobraževalnih politik

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Zgodnje opuščanje izobraževanja je v središču evropskih izobraževalnih politik od leta 2000 naprej. V tem času je pod vplivom svetovne gospodarske krize prepoznavanje zgodnjega opuščanja izobraževanja kot problem socialne vključenosti posameznikov in gospodarske konkurenčnosti države postalo zreducirano predvsem na njegov ekonomski del. V prispevku na podlagi kritik neoliberalne zasnovanosti evropskega izobraževalnega prostora prikazujemo, v kakšen položaj takšno zoženo razumevanje problema postavlja učence, pri katerih obstaja tveganje za zgodnje opuščanje izobraževanja, učitelje in celoten izobraževalni sistem. Predstavljeni premisleki o različnih alternativnih (neekonomskih) možnostih razumevanja in reševanja tako kompleksnega problema lahko prispevajo k ohranjanju in krepitvi kakovosti celotnega slovenskega izobraževalnega sistema, ne le tistih dejavnosti, ki se neposredno usmerjajo na preprečevanje zgodnjega opuščanja izobraževanja.


Early School Leaving in the Mirror of European Educational Policies

Early school leaving has been in the heart of education policies in the European Union since 2000 onwards. Since then, the global economic crisis has importantly changed the perception of the problem, which has become almost exclusively limited to the question of economic competitiveness of the state and more and more distant from the question of social inclusion. Taking into consideration critics of the neoliberal formation of the European educational space, the article shows in what unfavorable position this narrowed understanding of the problem has put pupils who are at risk of early school leaving, as well as teachers and the entire education system. It argues that the featured reflections on diverse (non- economic) alternatives of understanding such a complex problem can contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the quality of the entire Slovenian education system, not only of those activities that are directly targeted at the prevention of early school leaving.