Zunanja diferenciacija književnega pouka v osnovnih in srednjih šolah

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V članku razlagam nekatera temeljna načela za zunanjo diferenciacijo ciljev, vsebin in metod v različnih šolskih programih. Nastala so na podlagi domačih raziskav in primerjav z nekaterimi tujimi modeli pa tudi z opazovanjem naše prakse in upoštevanjem tradicije. Dodajam tabelarični prikaz uporabnih načel po sestavinah didaktične strukture, ki jih lahko strnemo:

Zunanja diferenciacija pri pouku književnosti pomeni prilagajanje sestavin didaktične strukture konkretnim skupinam učencev glede na njihove interese, bralni razvoj in splošne cilje določenih vzgojno izobraževalnih programov.

Dva literarnodidaktična modela sledita splošnemu in bralnemu razvoju učencev in stopnjevanim pričakovanjem glede razvoja njihove literarne zmožnosti od osnovne šole do zaključka srednje.

Pri kurikularnem načrtovanju književnega pouka je smiselno upoštevati nakazano zunanjo diferenciacijo didaktične strukture.


External Differentiation of Literature Lessons in Primary and Secondary Schools

This article explains some of the basic principles for an external differentiation of objectives, contents and methods in various school programmes. They have been created on the basis of domestic research and comparisons with certain foreign models, and by observing Slovenian practice and taking tradition into account. The article contains a tabular presentation of useful principles by the elements of didactic structure, which can be summed up as follows:

External differentiation in literature lessons means adapting the elements of the didactic structure to concrete groups of students based on their interests, reading development, and the general objectives of specific educational programmes.

Two literary-didactic models follow the general and reading development of students, and the growing expectations regarding the development of their literary ability from primary school to the completion of secondary school.

It would be sensible to abide by the indicated external differentiation of didactic structure during the curricular planning of literature lessons.