Za izboljšanje sodelovanja pri pripravi načrtov z vključevanjem znanj iz izobraževalnih ustanov v porečjih, tako pri zmanjševanju poplavne ogroženosti kot tudi osvetljevanju primerov dobrih praks celovitega upravljanja z vodnimi viri, smo geografi organizirali mednarodno konferenco z naslovom Zaživimo z vodo. Konferenca je potekala 31. maja in 1. junija 2019 v Podsredi in Bistrici ob Sotli. Osrednja tema konference je bila poučevanje o vodi in ravnanje z vodo in vodnimi viri. Večina prispevkov je temeljila na neposrednih izkušnjah učiteljev iz pouka v osnovnih ter srednjih šolah, nekaj prispevkov o praktičnem delu študentov pa so predstavili tudi fakultetni predavatelji. Ob tej priložnosti je izšel tudi zbornik zbranih prispevkov, ki je pomemben pripomoček učiteljem pri poučevanju voda in vodnih virov.
Live with Water
In order to improve participation in the preparation of plans by incorporating the knowledge of educational institutions in the river basins, to reduce flood risks, and to highlight the examples of good practices in comprehensive water resource management, geographers have organised an international conference entitled Zaživimo z vodo/Live with Water. The conference was held on 31 May and 1 June 2019 in Podsreda and in Bistrica ob Sotli. The central topic of the conference was teaching about water and the management of water and water resources. Most of the papers were based on the direct experiences of teachers from carrying out lessons at primary and secondary schools, while some of the papers on the practical work of students were presented by university lecturers. Conference proceedings were issued on this occasion, which serve as an important tool for teachers when teaching about water and water resources.