Članek opisuje vložene napore in težave, ki jih je bilo treba premagati pri iskanju postopka za izdelavo svetlečih diod (LED), ki sevajo modro svetlobo. Predvsem govori o pristopih, ki so jih uporabili Nobelovi nagrajenci za fiziko v letu 2014 in z njimi uspeli premagati težave, ki so mnoge raziskovalce odvrnile od nadaljevanja raziskovalnega dela na področju izdelave modrih svetlečih diod s pomočjo kristala GaN – galijevega nitrita. Opisane so možnosti uporabe svetlečih diod, ki sevajo modro in UV-svetlobo
They Lit up the World with LEDs – Nobel prize for physics in 2014
The article describes the efforts invested and the problems which had to be overcome when searching for a procedure for manufacturing LEDs that emit a blue light. It discusses above all the approaches employed by the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014, with which they succeeded in overcoming the problems that had discouraged many researchers from continuing their research into the anufacture of blue LEDs using the GaN – gallium nitride crystal. It describes the possibilities of using LEDs that emit blue and UV light.