Všečnost (že) v šoli

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V članku se avtorica sprašuje, kaj je všečnost in zakaj je v današnjem času tako popularna v šoli. Pojav opazuje znotraj pouka likovne umetnosti, kjer primerja šablonsko in avtentično risbo in podaja razloge, zakaj je avtentična risba vedno boljša, čeprav ni nujno privlačna. Boljša je zato, ker je plod otrokovega čustvenega doživetja, miselnega napora, zaznavanja, vživetja, spomina in želje po izražanju. V pristnem, doživetem, samoniklem otroškem likovnem delu ni napak, ki jih odrasli pojmujemo kot nepravilnosti. Tako kot tudi pojem lepote ni enak pojmu všečnega, kajti če je nekaj všečno, še ne pomeni, da je lepo. Všečnost je naučena in ponovljiva, lepo pa je tisto, kar je avtentično, iskreno in enkratno. Pojmovanje lepote lahko predrugačimo, če se zavedamo, da se skozi risbo odraža otrokovo razmišljanje, čustvovanje in razumevanje sveta. Tako bomo spodbujali nastajanje pristnih in zanimivih likovnih izdelkov, ne samo pričakovanih in všečnih variacij ene in iste teme.


Attractiveness (Occurring as Early as) in School

The article addresses the question of attractiveness – what it is and why this concept is so popular in modern-day schools. The author approaches attractiveness from within the classroom, in Fine Arts class, making a comparison between a stencil drawing and an original and giving reasons for why the original is always better though not necessarily attractive. It is better because it is a product of the child’s emotional experience and mental effort, their perception and ability to imagine, memory and desire for expression. The child’s authentic, unique and experienced artistic work has no flaws that adults might deem as imperfections. Like the concepts of beauty and attractiveness, which are not one and the same, something that is attractive is not necessarily beautiful. Attractiveness can be learned and repeated, but beauty is authentic, sincere and unique. The perception of beauty can be altered if we are aware that the child’s drawing reflects their thinking, their emotions and their understanding of the world. This will allow us to foster in children a creation of authentic and interesting artistic works, as opposed to the expected and attractive variations of one and the same theme.