Vpliv skritega kurikuluma v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih

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Skriti, prikriti oziroma neformalni kurikulum sestavljajo nenapisano, neuradno in pogosto nenamerno učenje, vrednote, pričakovanja in prepričanja, ki se jih učenci učijo v šoli. Medtem ko je eksplicitni oziroma formalni kurikulum sestavljen iz ciljev, standardov in učnih dejavnosti, v katerih sodelujejo udeleženci izobraževalnega procesa, ter iz znanja in veščin, ki jih strokovni delavci namerno ponudijo oziroma predavajo udeležencem izobraževanja, je skriti kurikulum sestavljen iz neizrečenih ali implicitnih akademskih, družbenih in kulturnih sporočil, posredovanih udeležencem med njihovim bivanjem v šoli ali vrtcu. Podatki v prispevku so obdelani po metodi fokusne skupine in so bili zbrani z uporabo mnenja in pripovedovanja o izkušnjah med 133 ravnatelji in pomočniki ravnateljev vrtcev, osnovnih in srednjih šol na strokovnih srečanjih, namenjenih usposabljanju ravnateljev in pomočnikov ravnateljev, ki so se udeležili delavnice na temo skritega kurikuluma. Področja skritega kurikuluma v naših šolah in vrtcih, ki oblikujejo perspektive otrok in učencev, se ukvarjajo z vprašanji, kot so spol, morala, družbeni razred, stereotipi, kulturna pričakovanja, politika in jezik.


The influence of a hidden curriculum in education institutions

A hidden, concealed and informal curriculum consists of the unwritten, informal, and often unintentional learning, values, expectations, and beliefs that the students learn in school. The explicit or formal curriculum consists of goals, standards and learning activities that the participants of the educational process are involved in, as well as of the knowledge and skills that education staff deliberately offers or teaches to the participants in education. On the other hand, the hidden curriculum consists of unspoken or implicit academic, social and cultural messages conveyed to the participants during their stay in school or kindergarten. The data in the paper are processed with the focus group method and were collected using the opinion and sharing of experiences among 133 headteachers and assistant headteachers of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools at professional meetings intended for the training of headteachers and assistant headteachers who attended the workshop on hidden curriculum. Areas of the hidden curriculum in our schools and kindergartens that shape the perspectives of children and students deal with issues such as gender, morality, social class, stereotypes, cultural expectations, politics and language.