V prispevku se osredotočamo na pomen imenovanja oz. dodelitve skrbnika vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda v projektih, v katere se s projektnimi timi vključuje več šol in vrtcev. Iz primerjave različnih izkušenj s skrbništvi v dosedanjih projektih Zavoda RS za šolstvo in povratnih informacij članov timov, kako so doživljali vlogo skrbnika šole, osvetlimo različne vloge, ki jih lahko odigra skrbnik vzgojno- izobraževalnega zavoda v projektu, ter opredelimo znanja in veščine, ki so podlaga za učinkovito in kakovostno skrbništvo šoli ali vrtcu v projektu.
Project Role of an Educational Institution’s Custodian: From Informant to Participant
This paper focuses on the importance of naming or appointing a custodian of an educational institution in projects which involve the project teams of several schools or kindergartens. By comparing the diverse experiences with custodianship in previous projects of the National Education Institute Slovenia and the feedback given by team members about how they perceived the role of the school’s custodian, it sheds light on the different roles the educational institution’s custodian can play in a project, and defines the knowledge and skills that serve as a basis for efficient and quality custodianship of a school or kindergarten in a project.