V prispevku so podane izbrane strokovne podlage za izvajanje evalvacije izobraževalnih aktivnosti za nadarjene, ki so nastale v okviru projekta PROGA na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Odgovarjajo na dve temeljni vprašanji prakse, utemeljene na dokazih: zakaj evalvirati izobraževanje nadarjenih in kako. Za zagotavljanje kakovosti izobraževanja nadarjenih je namreč ključno spremljanje in evalviranje učinkov dela z nadarjenimi, da bi bilo mogoče načrtovati in sproti vpeljevati utemeljene izboljšave in/ali spremembe, ohranjati dobre prakse in opuščati tiste, ki se za izobraževanje nadarjenih niso izkazale za učinkovite.
The Role of Evaluation in the Gifted and Talented Education
The article introduces a selected professional basis for implementing the evaluation of educational activities for the gifted and talented, developed within the PROGA project at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, which answers two fundamental evidence-based questions of the pedagogical practice: Why and how to evaluate the gifted and talented education? In order to ensure the quality of the gifted and talented education, it is crucial that the effects of the work with the gifted and talented be monitored and evaluated as the basis for the planning and continuing to implement justifiable improvements and/or changes, maintaining good practices and abandoning those that have proved inefficient in the gifted and talented education.