Vključevanje likovnih del umetnikov v pouk likovne umetnosti

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Članek predstavlja nekatere kriterije izbiranja likovnih del umetnikov, ki jih prikazujemo učencem pri pouku likovne umetnosti. Podrobneje je prikazana formula, po kateri lahko učitelj bolje razume likovno delo (umetnost = forma, tema in kontekst), ki ga želi vključiti v pouk. Osrednji del prispevka je namenjen prikazovanju reprodukcij likovnih del in njihovih omejitev pri delu z učenci v razredu. Reprodukcije in omejitve so prikazane na konkretnih primerih, in sicer na primeru likovnega dela umetnika Henrija Matissa z naslovom Papagaj in morska deklica ter na primeru likovnega dela umetnika Edgarja Degasa z naslovom Mala štirinajstletna plesalka.


Incorporating Works of Artists into Arts Education

The article presents some of the criteria for selecting the works of artists that are shown to pupils during arts education. It describes in greater detail the formula with which a teacher can better understand the work of art (art = form, theme and context) that he/she wishes to incorporate into lessons. The central part of the paper is devoted to the showing of reproductions of works of art and their limitations when working with pupils in a classroom. The reproductions and limitations are demonstrated with concrete examples, namely with the work of artist Henri Matisse entitled The Parakeet and the Mermaid and with the work of artist Edgar Degas entitled Little Dancer Aged Fourteen.