V sodobni, multikulturni šoli se učitelji pri zagotavljanju človekovih oz. otrokovih pravic pogosto srečujejo z različnimi dilemami. V prispevku se osredotočimo predvsem na koncept pravičnega pripoznanja in kot eno izmed možnih rešitev ponudimo metodo opolnomočenja; poudarimo pomen participacije vseh udeleženih pri načrtovanju vzgojnega koncepta in kot pomemben vidik pri uresničevanju izpostavimo vzgojo za aktivno in demokratično državljanstvo s svojimi specifikami ter na koncu na podlagi etike udeleženosti in pedagoške etike pokažemo na etično dimenzijo, ki je z vidika učitelja pomembna za njegovo razumevanje razmerja med etiko in zakonsko določenim (formalnopravnim) okvirjem spoštovanja in zagotavljanja otrokovih pravic v šoli.
Aspect of the Role of Teacher in the Discourse on Human and Children’s Rights in School
In a modern, multicultural school teachers are often confronted with various dilemmas when trying to guarantee human or children’s rights. The paper focuses primarily on the concept of just recognition and suggests the empowerment method as a potential solution; it stresses the importance of participation from all those involved in planning the educational concept, and points out education for active and democratic citizenship, and its specifics, as an important aspect of the realisation of said concept; in the end, based on the ethics of participation and pedagogical ethics, the ethical dimension is pointed out as important from the teacher’s perspective, since it enables the teacher to understand the relationship between ethics and the statutory (legal) framework for respecting and guaranteeing children’s rights in school.