Več sodelovanja in zadovoljstva pri naslavljanju izzivov univerze (posvetovalni obisk na Univerzi v Ljubljani)

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Na Univerzi v Ljubljani (UL) smo razvili posvetovalne obiske kot aktivnost, s katero podpiramo prizadevanja članic UL (akademij/fakultet) za krepitev kakovosti. Sodelovalni pristop in premišljeno moderiranje procesa je veliko prispevalo k uspehu posvetovalnih obiskov, njihovi koristnosti, prepoznavnosti in nadaljnjemu izvajanju. Vsak obisk poteka v obliki poldnevne sodelovalne delavnice, članica UL se nanj pripravi z izbiro štirih kompleksnih tematik, kjer želi uvesti izboljšave. Obisk se zaključi s konkretnimi predlogi izboljšav za dosego posameznega razvojnega cilja. Izvajanje posvetovalnih obiskov ima širše dobre učinke, z njimi vnašamo povezovalno komunikacijo in razvijamo bolj konstruktiven in sodelovalen pristop k uvajanju sprememb.


More Participation and Satisfaction in Facing the University’s Challenges (Advisory Visits at the University of Ljubljana)

The University of Ljubljana (UL) has implemented advisory visits to support the efforts of the UL members (academies and faculties) in enhancing the quality of their work. The participatory approach and a well thought-out facilitation of the process greatly contributed to the success of the advisory visits, as well as their usefulness, recognition and further implementation. The visits are organized in the form of half-day participatory workshops, for which the UL members select four complex topics where they want to implement improvements. Each visit is concluded with specific suggestions for improvements in order to achieve a particular development objective. Implementing advisory visits has broader beneficial effects in introducing integrated communication and developing a more constructive and collaborative approach to the introduction of changes.