Učenje in poučevanje prvega tujega jezika v 1. vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju (VIO) se povezuje z vsebinami drugih učnih predmetov, učitelj išče čim več avtentičnih situacij, ki so del učenčevega okolja, želi čim večjo aktivnost učencev in sledi načelom celostnega učenja. Ker bi zelo težko našli primeren učbeniški komplet, ki bi zajemal vse usmeritve in bi bil v skladu z učnim načrtom tujega jezika za 2. razred, je v članku je predstavljenih nekaj idej, kako izpeljati pouk angleščine v 2. razredu, ga aktualizirati, naravnati na predznanja učencev, upoštevati razvojno stopnjo otrok in načela zgodnjega učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika. Dodanih je nekaj napotkov, kje iskati ustrezno gradivo, kot npr. avtentične pesmi, besedila, didaktične igre in didaktične napotke. Avtorica v prispevku poudarja, da imajo učitelji ogromno znanja in veščin, da uro izpeljejo kakovostno, zanimivo in učinkovito.
Into a Classroom without a Textbook and Workbook
The learning and teaching of the first foreign language in the 1st triad is connected with the contents of other subjects; the teacher is searching for as many authentic situations as possible that are a part of the pupil‘s environment, wants the pupils to be as active as possible, and follows the integrated learning method. This is why it would be very difficult to select an appropriate textbook set which would cover all of the directions and would be in accordance with the foreign language curriculum for the 2nd grade. The article presents a few ideas on how to carry out English lessons in the 2nd grade, make them topical, orient them towards the prior knowledge of pupils, take into account the children‘s stage of development, and the principles of early foreign language learning and teaching. It adds a few instructions for where to look for appropriate material, e.g. authentic songs, texts, didactic games and didactic instructions. In the paper the author stresses that teachers possess a great deal of knowledge and skills, enabling them to carry out lessons in a quality, interesting and efficient manner.