Ura pouka v šolski knjižnici s knjižničarko Mrcino

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Pri pouku slovenščine smo po obravnavi dela Knjižničarka Mrcina avtorja Eoina Colfra odšli na obisk tudi v šolsko knjižnico. Učenci so bili ob obravnavi dela seznanjeni tudi z bralnim listom za prozo, na katerem je treba zapisati osnovne podatke o prebrani knjigi ter delo analizirati po vsebinski, oblikovni in jezikovni plati. Izpolnjene bralne liste učenci vložijo v bralno mapo ter so jim v pomoč pri pripovedovanju bralne značke kot tudi pri urjenju veščine govornega nastopanja. Pri uri pouka v šolski knjižnici je knjižničar učencem predstavil tudi postopek nastanka knjige ter pot, kako sploh pride knjiga od avtorja na police šolske knjižnice in v roke bralca. Učenci so se nato v izdelavi lastne knjige preizkusili tudi sami, pri čemer so morali upoštevati oblikovne lastnosti, ki jih ima vsaka knjiga.


Lesson in the School Library with Spud Murphy

During a Slovenian Language lesson, we visited the school library after discussing the book The Legend of Spud Murphy by Eoin Colfer. During the discussion of the book, the pupils were acquainted with the prose reading sheet, on which they have to write down the basic information about the book they have read and analyse it from the aspect of content, form and language. The pupils insert the filled-out reading lists into their reading folders, which help them to tell stories under the reading badge project, and practise the skill of oral presentations. During the lesson in the school library, the librarian presented to the pupils the process of creating a book and how the book passes from the author to the shelf of the school library and eventually to the reader. Afterwards, the pupils tried their hand at making their own book, for which they had to bear in mind the formal properties of books.