Prispevek govori o načinu vodenja, ki bi se lahko ob spremembi organizacijskih zmožnosti za vodenje približal distribuiranemu vodenju. Prikazali bomo vključevanje strokovnih delavcev v učni sprehod, to je eno od dejavnosti za spremljanje in spreminjanje pedagoškega procesa. Predstavili bomo učne sprehode, namenjene spremljanju dela strokovnih delavcev in razvijanju učeče se skupnosti ter zagotavljanju kakovosti pedagoškega procesa in profesionalnemu razvoju strokovnih delavcev na področju sodelovanja. V empiričnem delu bomo uporabili intervjuje z ravnatelji in strokovnimi delavci, ki jih bomo kvalitativno analizirali in rezultate prikazali v preglednicah. Predmet evalvacije se nanaša na spremljanje pedagoškega procesa z učnimi sprehodi in na ugotovitve, kaj ta oblika pomeni ravnateljem in primerjalno strokovnim delavcem na področju sodelovanja in morebitnega distribuiranega vodenja. S pomočjo teorije bomo osvetlili oblike vodenja in sodelovanje med učitelji in preučili, kako tovrstna oblika spremljanja vpliva na njihov profesionalni in osebnostni razvoj.
A Learning Walk for Professional Development
This paper discusses the type of leadership that could, provided that organisational capabilities for leadership change accordingly, approximate distributed leadership. It will show the participation of teaching staff in the management of monitoring activities and changing the learning process into one of the monitoring activities of the teaching process, i.e. a learning walk, and how this collaboration fosters a learning community. The article will describe learning walks as intended for observing and monitoring the work of professional staff, developing a learning community, ensuring the quality of the teaching process and the professional development of teaching staff in the field of collaboration. The empirical part will make use of the interviews with various head teachers and teaching staff; a qualitative analysis will be performed and the results shown in tables or graphically. The subject of evaluation refers to the monitoring of the teaching process through learning walks and to the findings regarding the significance this tool bears for principals and, comparatively, teaching staff within the context of collaboration and potential distributed leadership. Drawing on theory, this article will highlight the different forms of leadership and cooperation among teachers, and examine the ways this kind of monitoring influences their professional and personal development.