Socialno-konstruktivistični model izobraževanja in usposabljanja učiteljev izpostavlja kot pomemben dejavnik oblikovanja poklicne vloge učiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju prav »učitelje učiteljev« oz. vse, ki sodelujejo pri izobraževanju prihodnjih pedagoških delavcev. Poleg generičnih in specifičnopredmetnih kompetenc, na katerih temeljijo dodiplomski, podiplomski in doktorski študijski progami s področja izobraževanja učiteljev, so za pedagoške delavce kot razmišljujoče praktike pomembne tudi kompetence za vzpostavljanje profesionalnega odnosa z učenci in s kolegi. Študenti pedagoških smeri kot prihodnji pedagoški delavci vstopajo v sistem izobraževanja z že izoblikovanimi predstavami o pedagoškem poklicu in jasnimi ter visokimi pričakovanji o tem, kakšni naj bodo njihovi visokošolski učitelji. Ti predstavljajo pomembne modele poučevanja, organiziranja spodbudnega učnega okolja in oblikovanja primerne učne klime. V empirični raziskavi izpostavljena pričakovanja študentov pedagoških smeri o tem, kakšni naj bodo »učitelji učiteljev«, posegajo predvsem na didaktično področje, na področje zaželenih osebnostnih lastnosti ter na področje odnosa do študentov. Med njihovimi pričakovanji izstopajo pričakovanja o zanimivi in razumljivi razlagi, dobrem obvladanju strokovnega področja ter razumevajočem in prijaznem odnosu do študentov.
Teachers of Prospective Teaching Staff as Models of Teaching and Professional Attitude – Students’ Expectations as a Suggestion for Critical Reflection
The social constructivist model of teacher education and training points out that “teachers of teachers” or all who are taking part in educating prospective teaching staff are an important factor in shaping the professional role of teachers and of other professional staff in the field of education. Besides the generic and subject-specific competences, on which the undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral study programmes in the field of teacher education are based, the competences for establishing a professional relationship with students and fellow teachers are also important for the teaching staff as thinking practitioners. As prospective teaching staff, pre-service teachers enter the education system with predefined views on the teaching profession, and with clear and high expectations about what their higher education teachers should be like. The latter represent important models of teaching, organizing a stimulating learning environment, and shaping a suitable learning climate. The expectations of pre-service teachers about what “teachers of teachers” should be like, which are highlighted in this empirical research study, mostly pertain to the didactic field, to the desired personality traits, and to the attitude towards students. Among other things, it is expected of teachers that they give an interesting and understandable explanation, master their professional field, and show an understanding and kind attitude towards the students.