V članku je predstavljenih nekaj strategij dela z učenci, ki so hiperaktivni, impulzivni ali agresivni zaradi bioloških dejavnikov. Predstavljene so psihomotorična terapija, vedenjske terapije, metoda ustvarjalnega giba, uravnavanje agresije z igrami in smernice za prilagoditev pouka. V raziskavi je prikazano, kako razredne učiteljice prepoznavajo biološke vzroke motečega vedenja ter katere strategije so najbolj primerne in uspešne. Vzroke prepoznavajo v pogovorih z učencem in s starši, s sodelovanjem s šolsko svetovalno službo ali z opazovanjem učenca. Uporabljajo manj različnih metod, kot je bilo pričakovano in kot bi bilo zaželeno. Njihove najpogostejše metode so pogovor, osamitev motečega učenca, različne tehnike sproščanja ter metode umirjanja.
Teachers Recognising Hyperactivity, Impulsiveness and Aggression Factors as Disruptive Behaviour of Students in Primary School and Work Strategies
The article presents a few strategies for working with students that are hyperactive, impulsive or aggressive due to biological factors. It presents psychomotor therapy, behavioural therapies, the creative movement method, managing aggression through games, and guidelines for adjusting lessons. The research shows how class teachers recognise the biological causes of disruptive behaviour and which strategies are the most suitable and successful. They recognise the causes by talking with the students and parents, by cooperating with the school counselling service, or by observing the student. They use fewer different methods than expected or desired. Their most frequently used methods are talks, isolation of the disruptive student, various relaxation techniques and soothing methods.