Članek opisuje hidrogele, njihove lastnosti in možnosti učenja z raziskovanjem z uporabo kroglic hidrogela na različnih ravneh šolanja. Osredini se na prikaz poskusov: velikost kroglic hidrogela v odvisnosti od časa nabrekanja, vpliv medija in temperature na velikost kroglic hidrogela, odziv kroglic hidrogela na obremenjevanje ter plovnost kroglic hidrogela.
Inquiry-Based Learning Using Hydrogels
The paper describes hydrogels, their properties and the possibilities of inquiry-based learning using hydrogel pearls at different levels of schooling. The paper focuses on experiments: the size of hydrogel pearls depending on the swelling time, the impact of the medium and the temperature on the size of the hydrogel pearls, the response of the hydrogel pearls to applying force, and the buoyancy of the hydrogel pearls.