Ubald Vrabec v Mariboru

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Trditi smemo, da je bil Ubald Vrabec med letoma 1931 in 1941 eden najvidnejših sooblikovalcev mariborskega glasbenega življenja; kot pedagog, poustvarjalec, ustvarjalec in zborovodja mu je vtisnil neizbrisen pečat. Posebne zasluge ima predvsem na zborovskem področju. Vrabec je z neumornim strokovnim delom s pevskimi zbori Grafika, Jadran, Jadran Nanos in Kolo bistveno pripomogel k dvigu kakovosti pevskega poustvarjanja in s tem obogatil glasbeno kulturo v Mariboru in širše.


Ubald Vrabec in Maribor

We could assert that Ubald Vrabec was one of the most important creators of the musical life in Maribor between 1931 and 1941. As pedagogue, performer, songwriter and conductor he has left an indelible mark on the town. He contributed especially to the field of choral singing. With his hard and professional work with choirs Grafika, Jadran, Jadran Nanos and Kolo, Ubald Vrabec has essentially raised the quality of singing and enriched music culture in Maribor and beyond its borders.