Turnir mladih fizikov – izkušnje in pogledi mentorja in tekmovalcev

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V letošnji prvi številki revije Fizika v šoli sta bila objavljena članka dr. Irene Drevenšek Olenik in dr. Sergeja Faletiča, ki podrobno opisujeta Turnir mladih fizikov (angl. Young Physicists‘ Tournament – YPT). Dr. Drevenškova je bila med ustanovitelji Slovenskega turnirja mladih fizikov (angl. Slovenian Young Physicists‘ Tournament – SiYPT) in mednarodna sodnica, dr. Faletič pa je njegov vodja in koordinator. Avtor tega članka poučuje fiziko na Gimnaziji Celje – Center (GCC) in zadnjih pet let pripravlja dijake GCC na slovenski turnir. V letih 2017 in 2018 je tričlanska ekipa GCC predstavljala Slovenijo na mednarodnem Avstrijskem turnirju mladih fizikov (angl. Austrian Young Physicists‘ Tournament – AYPT) v Leobnu, na dveh prejšnjih turnirjih pa je bil v slovenski ekipi po en tekmovalec z GCC. Članek opisuje avtorjev razvoj v mentorja, njegove izkušnje s pripravami dijakov na turnir in njegove poglede na turnirje tipa YPT ter na reševanje problemov, ki jih pripravljajo organizatorji Mednarodnega turnirja mladih fizikov (angl. International Young Physicist‘ Tournament – IYPT). Govori tudi o vplivih tekmovanj in reševanja problemov na znanje fizike pri dijakih ter na razvoj njihovih spretnosti in veščin.


Young Physicists’ Tournament – the Mentor’s and Participants’ Experiences and Views

Two articles were published in this year’s first issue of the magazine Physics in School, written by Irena Drevenšek Olenik, PhD and Serge Faletič, PhD, that describe in detail the Young Physicists’ Tournament – YPT. Drevenšek was one of the founders of the Slovenian Young Physicists’ Tournament – SiYPT and the international judge, while Faletič was acting as the leader and coordinator of the Slovenian Young Physicists’ Tournament. The author of this article is a physics teacher at the grammar school Celje – Center (GCC) who has been preparing his students for the Slovenian tournament for the last five years. In the period 2017–2018, a group of three GCC representatives participated in the Austrian Young Physicists’ Tournament – AYPT in Leoben, while the Slovenian teams participating in the previous two tournaments included one GCC student. The article presents the author’s development as a mentor, his mentoring experience with the students preparing for the tournament and his views on the YPT tournaments and problem solving tasks prepared by the organisers of the International Young Physicists’ Tournament – IYPT. The influence of competitions and problem solving on the students’ physics knowledge and development of skills and abilities is also discussed.