Z medpredmetno zasnovanim učnim sklopom učencem ponujamo znanja, ki jih lahko doživljajo kot uporabna in življenjska. S smiselnim načrtovanjem in povezovanjem učnih ciljev in vsebin lahko dosežemo, da se v razredu ustvarijo učne situacije, v katerih učenci, ob podpori učitelja, sami odkrivajo in preiskujejo. V prispevku predstavljamo primer uresničevanja trajnostne mobilnosti s horizontalno zajetimi vsebinami in cilji treh različnih področij – družbe, matematike in slovenščine – v večji sklop, obravnavan po načelih formativnega spremljanja, s skupno bogato nalogo oz. izzivom tedna. Z matematično preiskavo so učenci preiskali ravnanje ljudi v domačem kraju na področjih prometne varnosti in varovanja okolja. Vsa nova spoznanja so nato vključili v izbrani uradni ali neuradni pogovor v obliki digitalnega stripa. Načrtovane dejavnosti so pri učencih spodbudile miselne procese in jih vodile k novim spoznanjem ter uporabi usvojenega znanja v novih situacijah. S sporočilno vrednostjo stripa so učenci prispevali svoj delež k morebitnemu spreminjanju potovalnih navad prebivalcev našega mesta in tako pripomogli k trajnostnemu razvoju.
Sustainable Mobility in a Cross-Curricular Learning Unit in 4th Grade
With a cross-curricular learning unit, we provide pupils with knowledge they might consider useful and real-world. By sensibly planning and integrating learning objectives and contents, we can create learning situations in the classroom in which the pupils, with support from the teacher, are able to make discoveries and conduct investigations on their own. The paper illustrates an example of realizing sustainable mobility by horizontally integrating the contents and objectives of three different fields – social studies, mathematics and Slovenian language – into a larger unit, addressed according to the principles of formative assessment, with a joint complex assignment or challenge of the week. By conducting a mathematical investigation, the pupils examined people’s behaviour in their home town as regards traffic safety and environmental protection. Afterwards, they incorporated all their new findings into an official or unofficial conversation in the form of a digital comic. The planned activities triggered thought processes in the pupils, led them to new findings, and to applying the acquired knowledge to new situations. With the message conveyed by the comic, the pupils contributed their share to potentially changing the travel habits of the inhabitants of their town, thus contributing to sustainable development.