Težave pri obdelavi podatkov in statističnem preiskovanju

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Statistične vsebine, s katerimi se mladi v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu srečajo že v vrtcu in jih pogosto
srečujejo v vsakdanjem življenju, učiteljem matematike pri poučevanju povzročajo nemalo težav. Poleg nizkega števila ur, namenjenih tem vsebinam, se soočajo z neenotnostjo poimenovanj in defi nicij ter nelagodjem ob premalo poznanih empiričnih preiskavah, v katerih naj bi mladi uporabili pridobljeno statistično znanje. Namen prispevka je ob navedbi strukturirane in čim bolj učinkovite obravnave statističnih vsebin v gimnaziji izpostaviti težave, na katere lahko naletijo učitelji in dijaki, in jih odpraviti. Z njim želimo vzpostaviti vez med statističnimi vsebinami v osnovni in srednji šoli ter pomagati učiteljem statistične vsebine jasno in čim učinkoviteje predstaviti mladim.


Problems with Data Processing and Statistical Investigation

Statistical contents, which young people encounter in the educational process as early as kindergarten and which they oft en come across in their daily lives, cause quite a few problems to mathematics teachers in their teaching practice. Besides the small number of hours devoted to such contents, teachers also deal with inconsistent names and defi nitions, and with unease due to a lack of knowledge about empirical investigations in which young people are to apply their acquired statistical knowledge. The purpose of the article is to provide a structured and maximally eff ective discussion of statistical contents in grammar school, while highlighting potential problems that teachers and secondary school students may face and eliminating them. The aim is to establish a link between statistical contents in primary and secondary schools, and help teachers to introduce them to their students as clearly and eff ectively as possible.