V okviru novega vsebinskega sklopa aktivno državljanstvo smo kot enega od sklopov v 3. letniku smeri ekonomski tehnik in ekonomska gimnazija obravnavali humanitarno dejavnost. Eden od najbolj znanih slovenskih humanitarnih delavcev, Tomo Križnar, se skupaj s soprogo v zadnjem času posveča pomoči revnemu prebivalstvu Sudana pri premagovanju težav v zvezi z zdravljenjem bolezni lepra, bolj znane kot gobavost. V članku je predstavljena problematika Sudana in gobavosti ter izvedba učnega sklopa, ki zajema uvodno predstavitev, ogled filma, pogovor s humanitarnima delavcema in refleksijo dijakov ob zaključku sklopa.
Addressing Humanitarian Action in Active Citizenship Strand
Humanitarian activity was addressed within the new curriculum strand, Active Citizenship, in the 3rd year of the Economic Technician and Economic Gymnasium programmes. Tomo Križnar, a well-known Slovenian humanitarian worker, and his wife are currently helping Sudanese patients undergoing leprosy treatment. The article presents the issues of Sudan and leprosy and the implementation of the learning strand, which comprises an introductory presentation, a film screening, a discussion with relief workers and a final reflection by the students.