Terensko delo po navadi obsega uporabo zelo različnih metod in je pomemben del geografskega izobraževanja na različnih ravneh. Preizkušeno terensko delo s študenti smo prilagodili in ponudili dijakom srednjih šol in njihovim profesorjem. S štirimi terenskimi vajami, ki so del praktičnega dela izpita splošne mature pri predmetu geografija, dijaki spoznajo meritev rečnega pretoka, meritve in terenske analize lastnosti vode, opravijo opazovanja in meritve na obalni steni in morju, kartiranje funkcije stavb s pomočjo pametnih telefonov in programa TerrainGIS ter anketiranje o nakupovalnih navadah s pomočjo spletne ankete 1ka. Večina dijakov, ki so odgovorili na našo anketo z namenom evalvacije terenskega dela, je bila zadovoljna s predstavitvami vsebin, navodili in lastno aktivno udeležbo. Terensko delo so ocenili kot pomembno za razširitev, utrditev in razumevanje geografskih vsebin.
Fieldwork as Part of the Practical Part of the General Matura Examination in the Subject of Geography
Field work usually includes the use of a variety of methods and is an important part of teaching geography on different educational levels. The established field work with university students was modified and offered to high school and secondary school students and their teachers. By participating in four different field exercises as a component of the practical part of the matura examination in geography, the students get acknowledged for measuring river discharge, and for in-situ measurements and field analysis of water characteristics. Furthermore, they observe the sea and the cliffs, and carry out measurements of selected morphometrical characteristics on the latter. Using smart phones and the TerrainGIS application, they map buildings’ functions and conduct field interviews among the local population in Koper about their shopping practices using the internet application 1ka. The majority of the students who answered the field work evaluation questionnaire were satisfied with the explanation on the field, the instructions given and their personal involvement in field exercises. The students evaluated field work as important for the widening, memorizing and understanding of geographical themes.