Arthur Schopenhauer šteje glasbo za najvišjo in najbolj splošno svetovno govorico. V članku je potovanje od posameznih stvari prek splošnih pojmov do glasbe umeščeno na zemljevid celote, na katerem je predstavljena zgradba sveta, ki nas obdaja. Človekova čutila prepoznavajo lastnosti posameznih stvari in jih s pomočjo razuma pretvarjajo v splošne pojme. Na zemljevidu celote sta označeni dve smeri potovanja, ki ju zaznamujeta razum in ustvarjalnost; opisani sta z analizo različnih poklicnih usmeritev. Članek se zaključi z izrekom: »Ideja prava dober cilj doseže.«
Arthur Schopenhauer considers music as the highest and most general global language. In the article, the path from individual things through general concepts towards music is embedded in a map of the whole, which presents the structure of the world that surrounds us. Human senses recognize the properties of individual things and with the help of the mind they are transformed into general concepts. On the map two directions of travel are marked which are characterized by intellect and creativity; described by the analysis of a variety of professional orientation. The article ends with the phrase “The right idea hits the goal.”