Tablice in prvošolčki

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Sodobni čas nam narekuje, da tudi v vsakdanje aktivnosti pouka vključujemo informacijsko- komunikacijsko tehnologijo (IKT). Na razpolago je že veliko prosto dostopnega interaktivnega gradiva, ki pripomore, da postaja pouk bolj nazoren, zanimiv za učence in da si učenci sami poiščejo ustrezne informacije ter spremljajo svoj napredek. Pri uvajanju IKT v pouk mora učitelj upoštevati različne dejavnike, izbira orodja in gradiv morata ustrezati ter biti prilagojena potrebam pouka in učencev. Učitelj naj spletno orodje oz. aplikacijo najprej spozna sam, jo preizkuša in jo šele nato vključiti v učni proces. Aplikacija Nearpod nam omogoča pripravo naloga izbrano vsebino, spremljanje dela učencev, pomoč pri podajanju povratnih informacij. V prispevku je opisan primer dejavnosti s tablicami pri pouku matematike v 1. razredu.


Tablets and First Graders

These modern times dictate that we incorporate information and communication technology (ICT) into the daily activities of lessons. There is a great deal of freely accessible interactive material available, which makes lessons more illustrative and more interesting to the pupils, and helps the pupils to find the right information on their own and to monitor their own progress. When introducing ICT into lessons, the teacher must consider various factors; the choice of tools and materials must be suitable for and adapted to the needs of the lessons and of the pupils. Teachers should first get to know the web tool or application, try it out, and only then include it in the learning process. The Nearpod application enables us to prepare tasks for a specific topic, monitor the work of pupils, and provide feedback. The article describes an example of activities using tablets during Mathematics lessons in the 1st grade.