V prispevku opišem temeljne značilnosti supervizije kot uveljavljene metode profesionalne rasti in razbremenjevanja stresa pedagoških delavcev. Predstavim razvojno-edukativni model, ki je eden od pogosto zastopanih modelov na pedagoškem področju ter navedem najznačilnejše oblike supervizije. Med pridobitvami supervizije izpostavim izsledke fokusnega intervjuja z ravnateljicami, ki so dve leti sodelovale v superviziji. Supervizija je lahko eden od učinkovitih načinov tudi pri uvajanju sprememb v šole.
Supervision in Support of Leadership for Learning
In this paper, the basic characteristics of supervision as an established method of professional growth and stress relief for (head)teachers are presented. A developmental educational model, which is one of the most common models in the pedagogical field, and a list of the most typical forms of supervision are discussed. Among the advantages and impacts of supervision, the results of a focus interview with headteachers who were in the supervision process for two years are highlighted. Supervision can also be one of the effective ways to introduce changes in schools.