Strokovna skrb za dobrobit in optimalni razvoj otrok ob prehodu v osnovno šolo

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V prispevku odpiram vprašanja strokovnega (so)delovanja v dobrobit otrok in za njihov optimalni razvoj ob prehodu v šolo, in sicer katere so psihosocialne potrebe otrok ob prehodu, kakšna je pri tem vloga vrtca in šole s poudarkom na vlogi svetovalnih delavcev, kaj vsebujejo ocene pripravljenosti otroka za všolanje in kakšne so možnosti za sodelovanje s starši ob prehodu. Zanima nas tudi razmerje med zagotavljanjem kontinuitete in diskontinuitete ob prehajanju otroka v šolo ter pomen igre na prehodu iz zgodnjega v formalno učenje. Empirični podatki izvirajo iz ankete za svetovalne delavce vrtcev in govorijo o njihovih izkušnjah in mnenjih glede odloga in zgodnjega všolanja otrok. Instrument za starše poda njihove ocene o pomembnosti posameznih lastnosti otrok za lažji prehod v šolo. Predstavljeni so tudi predlogi svetovalnih delavcev za njihovo sistematično in še bolj sodelovalno delovanje, povezano s prehodom otrok v šolo.


Professional Concern for the Well-Being and Optimal Development of Children Transitioning to Primary School

This paper raises questions regarding professional (co)operation for the well-being of children and for their optimal development when transitioning to school, namely what the psychosocial needs of children who are transitioning are; the role of the kindergarten and school in this process, with emphasis on the role of counsellors; what school readiness assessments include; and the possibilities for cooperation with parents during this transition. It is also interested in the ratio between the assurance of continuity and discontinuity as the child transitions to school, and the importance of play in the transition from early to formal learning. Empirical data has been obtained with a survey among kindergarten counsellors, and shows their experiences and opinions regarding children’s deferred and early school entry. The instrument for parents gives their ratings of the importance of individual qualities of children for an easier transition to school. It also gives suggestions of counsellors for their systematic and even more cooperative work in connection with children’s transition to school.