V 1. razredu matematične vsebine obravnavamo na konkretnem nivoju. Učenci dosegajo cilje s praktičnimi dejavnostmi in z didaktičnimi igrami. Tudi pri obravnavi števil in zapisu številk uporabljamo različne konkretne materiale in didaktične igre. Ker imajo učenci še v tem času slabše razvito fino motoriko, pred zapisovanjem številk naredimo vaje za orientacijo in grafomotoriko. Te dejavnosti so učencem zelo zabavne in zanimive. S takimi dejavnostmi je delo v razredu prilagojeno učencem, ure so pestre in razgibane, učenci so aktivni in z zanimanjem sledijo pouku.
Hello, Numbers!
In the first grade, mathematical contents are presented at the concrete level. Students achieve goals through practical activities and didactic games. Concrete materials and didactic games are also used for learning numbers and writing them down. Since students’ fine motoric skills at this stage are not completely developed, we first do some orientations and graphomotor exercises. Students find such activities very fun and interesting. That way, classroom work is adapted to students, the lessons are diverse and active, and the students are active and follow the lessons with interest.