V pričujočem prispevku avtorica opisuje sodelovanje gibalno oviranih dijakov in njihovih spremljevalcev kot promotorjev branja na Gimnaziji Moste. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje predstavljena knjižnica omenjene gimnazije, ki posredno skrbi za promocijo branja in postaja čedalje pomembnejši vezni člen med bralci in nebralci. Predstavljena je tudi šola in njena prilagojenost funkcionalno oviranim dijakom.
Assistants of Secondary School Students with Mobility Impairments in the Role of Reading Promoters
In the article the author describes the cooperation between students with mobility impairments and their assistants as reading promoters at the Moste General Secondary School. The article continues with a detailed presentation of the school’s library, which indirectly promotes reading and is becoming an increasingly important link between readers and non-readers. It also presents the school itself and how it has been adapted to students with reduced mobility.