Spremembe rabe tal v Sloveniji med letoma 2000 in 2020

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V članku je analizirana struktura rabe tal v Sloveniji med letoma 2000 in 2020. Prikazane so spremembe rabe tal na nivoju celotne države in na nivoju statističnih regij. Posebej so analizirane spremembe obdelovalnih površin. Predstavljene so tudi najpogostejše smeri sprememb rabe tal. Na koncu je prikazano razmerje med procesi nastajanja obdelovalnih površin (intenzifikacija) in opuščanja le-teh (ekstenzifikacija) ter razmerje med obdelovalnimi površinami in številom prebivalcev po slovenskih statističnih regijah.


Changes in Land Use in Slovenia between 2000 and 2020

The article analyses the structure of land use in Slovenia in 2000 and 2020. It illustrates changes in land use at the level of the entire country and at the level of statistical regions. It focuses especially on analysing changes in arable lands. It also demonstrates the most common trends in land use changes. In the end, it shows the ratio between the processes of creating arable lands (intensification) and of abandoning them (extensification), and the ratio between arable lands and the number of inhabitants by Slovenian statistical regions.