Spoznavanje in uporaba priročnikov za dijake tehniških šol

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V knjižnici Šolskega centra Nova Gorica (v nadaljevanju ŠCNG) izvajamo v okviru knjižničnega informacijskega znanja (v nadaljevanju KIZ) za dijake 1. letnika tehniških šol delo s priročniki. Dijaki priročnike slabo poznajo in jih ne znajo uporabljati. Knjižničar jih predstavi, nato dijaki s pomočjo njih odgovarjajo na vprašanja o določeni temi. Dijaki tehniške gimnazije iščejo odgovore tako v priročnikih kot tudi na spletu ter nato med seboj primerjajo iskanje in rezultate iskanja. Pri delu s priročniki imajo težave, ker ne poznajo abecede in površno berejo. Dijaki so bolj vešči iskanja po internetu, kljub temu pa poudarjamo pomen tiskanih priročnikov, ki so zanesljiv vir informacij.


Getting to Know and Use Handbooks for Students of Technical Secondary Schools

Within the scope of Library and Information Knowledge, the library of the Nova Gorica School Centre teaches students of the 1st year of technical secondary schools how to work with handbooks. Students are insufficiently familiar with handbooks and do not know how to use them. The librarian presents them, after which the students use them to answer questions about a specific topic. Students of the technical secondary school look for answers in handbooks and online, after which they compare their search and search results with one another. They have problems working with handbooks because of their poor knowledge of the alphabet and their superficial reading. The students are more skilled in searching the Internet; however, we still emphasise the importance of printed handbooks, which are a reliable source of information.