Spominski učni uri ob 30. obletnici plebiscita, osamosvojitve in vojne za samostojno in neodvisno Slovenijo za tretje triletje osnovne šole

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V prispevku je prikazana izvedba spominskih učnih ur za obeleženje 30. obletnice plebiscita, osamosvojitve in vojne za Slovenijo za zadnjo triado osnovne šole. Zaradi pandemije covida–19 je obeleženje 30. obletnice plebiscita decembra 2020 potekalo na daljavo, obeleženje osamosvojitve in vojne pa v skladu z navodili NIJZ in omejitvami, ki so veljali junija 2021. Prikazano je, kako so učenci tako pri videokonferenčni kot pri spominski uri v učilnici preko primarnih zgodovinskih virov v dialogu z učiteljem spoznavali dogodke izpred tridesetih let. Z razvijanjem kulture spominjanja smo želeli doseči pozitivno identifikacijo z vrednotami slovenske osamosvojitve.


Two Remembrance Lessons on the 30th Anniversary of the Plebiscite, Attainment of Independence and War for Independent and Autonomous Slovenia for the Third Triennium of Primary School

The article presents the implementation of remembrance lessons to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the plebiscite, the attainment of independence, and the war for Slovenia for the last triennium of primary school. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the plebiscite in December 2020 was carried out virtually, while the attainment of independence and the war were commemorated in accordance with the instructions of the National Institute of Public Health and the restrictions in place in June 2021. The article demonstrates how the pupils learned about the events of thirty years ago in a dialogue with the teacher through primary historical sources, both during the videoconference lesson and the remembrance lesson held in the classroom. By developing a culture of remembrance, the aim was to achieve a positive identification with the values of Slovenia’s attainment of independence.