Slovenija v mlajši železni dobi

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V članku je predstavljeno obdobje mlajše železne dobe v Sloveniji, torej čas zadnjih treh stoletij pr. n. št. To je bilo dinamično obdobje, ki ga je v začetku zaznamoval zaton predhodne halštatske in prevlada nove, latenske kulture. Latenska kultura je v dobršnem delu Evrope povezana s Kelti. Kelti so skupno ime za pisano paleto ljudstev, ki so krojila zadnja stoletja evropske prazgodovine. Čeprav so bile med njimi številne razlike, so usvojili primerljivo tehnološko znanje, gojili edinstven umetniški slog in govorili podobne jezike. Na območju Slovenije so živeli keltski Tavriski in Karni, znaten je bil vpliv keltskih Norikov. Kot tolikokrat v zgodovini so se tudi v mlajši železni dobi naši kraji znašli na stičišču, in sicer na stičišču med srednjeevropskimi Kelti in njihovimi sodobniki, npr. Kolapijani iz doline Kolpe. Kelti so bili kmetovalci, spretni poljedelci, odlični kovači, metalurgi in lončarji. Kovali so novce in trgovali. Proslavili so se kot pogumni bojevniki. Mlajša železna doba se na Slovenskem konča z rimsko osvojitvijo, vojaškim porazom keltskih plemenskih zvez v boju proti Rimljanom in priključitvijo keltskih kraljestev rimski državi.


Slovenia In the Late Iron Age

The article presents the period of the Late Iron Age in Slovenia, i.e. the last three centuries B.C. It was a dynamic period, characterised at first by the decline of the previous Hallstatt culture and the dominance of the new, La Tène culture. In the better part of Europe, the La Tène culture was associated with the Celts. The Celts is a collective name for a varied collection of peoples who shaped the last centuries of European prehistory. Despite the many differences between them, they developed comparable technical knowledge, fostered a unique artistic style, and spoke similar languages. The area of Slovenia was populated by the Celtic Taurisci and Carni; the influence of the Celtic Norici was substantial. As many times throughout history, in the Late Iron Age our parts again found themselves at a crossroads, namely at a crossroads between the Central European Celts and their contemporaries, e.g. the Colapiani from the valley of the Kolpa River. Celts were farmers, skilled cultivators, excellent blacksmiths, metallurgists and potters. They minted coins and engaged in trade. They made a name for themselves as brave warriors. The Late Iron Age in Slovenia ended with the Roman conquest, the military defeat of the Celtic tribal unions in the battle against the Romans, and with the annexation of Celtic kingdoms to the Roman Republic.