Slava vojvodine Kranjske Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja je obsežno in temeljito delo o današnjem slovenskem prostoru. Meščanska izdaja dela je bila prevedena in izdana leta 2009. Zaradi dragocenosti dela je potrebna posebna previdnost pri delu s knjigami. Valvasor opisuje številne teme o tedanjem življenju na Kranjskem. Zaradi pestrosti vsebine je delo primerno za medpredmetno povezovanje v osnovni šoli. Povezujejo se znanja s področij slovenščine, zgodovine, likovne umetnosti, geografije in državljanske in domovinske vzgoje ter etike. V članku je predstavljen primer sodelovanja med šolsko knjižnico in poukom zgodovine. Učenci so vodeno spoznavali Slavo vojvodine Kranjske, jo listali, brali; v računalniški učilnici pa so temeljiteje spoznavali barok na Slovenskem. S pregledom dela so povezali znanja slovenščine (obdobje baroka v literaturi), zgodovine (barok v umetnosti), likovne umetnosti (grafika, bakrorez), geografije (kulturna dediščina), državljanske in domovinske vzgoje ter etike (narodna zavest).
The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola and Cross-curricular Integration in the School Library
The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola by Johann Weikhard von Valvasor is a comprehensive and exhaustive work about the territory of present-day Slovenia. The bourgeois edition of the work was translated and published in 2009. Owing to the value of this work, special caution is required when handling books. Valvasor treats numerous topics on the then life in Carniola. Due to the diversity of the content, the work is suitable for cross-curricular integration in primary school. It combines the knowledge of the following school subjects: Slovenian, History, Art, Geography and Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics. The article introduces an example of the collaboration between the school library and the history lesson. The pupils were discovering, by browsing and reading under the teacher’s guidance, the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. They went to the ICT classroom to find out more about the Baroque period in Slovenia. By examining the work, they combined the knowledge of Slovenian (the Baroque period in literature), History (Baroque in art), Art (graphics, chalcography), Geography (cultural heritage), Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics (national consciousness).