Namen tega prispevka je predstaviti zgodovinsko ozadje vojne v Ukrajini. Ta se je začela leta 2014, zadnjih nekaj let pa je bila le redkokdaj omenjena v glavnih novicah dneva. Z začetkom nove faze vojne, ki je zajela večji del države, je v Evropi prišlo do največje begunske krize po drugi svetovni vojni. Ker glavni akterji vojne omenjajo nekatere prelomne zgodovinske mejnike iz bližnje in ne tako bližnje preteklosti, je prav, da jih tudi mi predstavimo in tako dobimo vsaj delen vpogled v širše ozadje ter današnje dogajanje v vzhodnoevropskem prostoru.
Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Didactic Ideas for Discussion during History Lessons
The purpose of the article is to present the historical background to the war in Ukraine. It began in 2014 but was only rarely mentioned in the top news stories in recent years. As a new phase of the war began, engulfi ng the greater part of the country, Europe witnessed the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. As the main actors in the war are mentioning certain historical milestones from the recent and not-so recent past, it is only fitting that we present them and gain at least a partial insight into the wider background and into today’s events in Eastern Europe.