V študijskem letu 2018/2019 smo se na ljubljanski Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani na pobudo Oddelka za socialno pedagogiko lotili organizacije cikla javnih okroglih miz pod skupnim imenom Refleksija sodobnega šolskega prostora. Namen okroglih miz je bil odzvati se na odprte dileme v zvezi z izzivi šolskega prostora pri nas in vzpostaviti prostor za kritično in konstruktivno razpravo ter izmenjavo akademskih, strokovnih in uporabniških pogledov na odprte teme vzgoje in izobraževanja. Zasnova cikla okroglih miz je bila soustvarjalna: vsebine vsakega prihodnjega srečanja smo črpali iz najbolj živih vsebin aktualnega srečanja ter vsakokratne udeležene spodbujali k dialogu o tem, katere vidike je treba v prihodnje posebej nasloviti. Tekom štirih dogodkov, ki smo jih izpeljali med decembrom 2018 in junijem 2019, se je izoblikovala delno stalna in aktivna skupina zainteresiranih ter aktivnih udeleženk in udeležencev, izhodišča za diskusijo pa so predstavljali prispevki vsakokrat posebej vabljenih gostij in gostov. V prihodnje nameravamo v podobnem duhu cikel voditi naprej. Prispevek prinaša povzetke ključnih vsebin, ki so se odpirale na štirih dogodkih.
A Reflection on the Contemporary School Setting at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana
In the 2018/2019 academic year, the Faculty of Education at University of Ljubljana, on the initiative of the Department of Social Pedagogy, organized a series of public panels jointly titled »A Reflection on the Contemporary School Setting«. The purpose of the panels was to respond to the open dilemmas regarding the challenges of the school setting in Slovenia and to set up a place for a critical and constructive discussion, and for academics, experts and users to exchange their views on the open topics in education. The series of panels was designed in the spirit of co-creation: the contents of each future session were drawn from the topics which were discussed the most at the current session, each time encouraging the participants to engage in a dialogue about which aspects should be addressed in the future. During the four events which were held between December 2018 and June 2019 a somewhat permanent and active group of interested parties and active participants had formed; the discussions revolved around the articles written by the guests who had been specially invited to each event. In the future, we plan to continue this series of panels in a similar way. The article summarizes the key contents discussed at the four events.