Namen pričujoče razprave je preučiti vlogo in značilnosti razvojnopodpornih odnosov med otroki in odraslimi skozi perspektivo Neufeldovega, na navezanosti osnovanega razvojnega pristopa (Neufeld, 2014). Vse večja zaskrbljenost zaradi visoke prevalence vedenjskih, čustvenih in učnih težav učencev pogojuje vse večje zanimanje stroke za spodbujanje socialno-emocionalnih veščin učencev. Kljub potrebnosti tovrstnih veščin želim opozoriti na pogosto prezrti potencial razvojnopodpornih odnosov v razvoju, blagostanju in optimalnem delovanju učencev. Upoštevajoč procese navezanosti, lahko natančneje opredelimo značilnosti razvojnopodpornih odnosov in postopke, ki so nam v pomoč pri razvijanju teh odnosov v šoli.
Attachment and Developmental Relationships in School Context
The paper explores the role and characteristics of developmental relationships between children and adults through Neufeld‘s attachment-based developmental model (Neufeld, 2014). Growing concern about the high prevalence of behavioural, emotional and learning difficulties among students has conditioned the profession‘s growing interest in fostering students‘ social-emotional skills. Despite the need for such skills, the author wishes to draw attention to the often overlooked potential of developmental relationships in the learner‘s evolution, well-being and optimal functioning. By taking attachment processes into account, we can more precisely define the characteristics of developmentally supportive relationships and the processes that help us to develop these relationships in school.