Center za razvoj vodenja v izobraževanju na Irskem (Centre for School Leadership, csl) je septembra 2015 ustanovilo Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, da bi v irskih šolah spodbudilo profesionalni razvoj ravnateljev. Ena prvih njegovih nalog je bilo oblikovanje programa individualnega coachinga za ravnatelje. Delovati je začel januarja 2017 in še isto leto ga je izkoristilo 347 ravnateljev. Konec leta 2017 so ga evalvirali. Leta 2019 so uvedli timski coaching za ravnatelje, njihove namestnike in nekatere člane srednjega vodstva. Leta 2020 so opravili še eno evalvacijo, katere plod je obširno poročilo, ki bo objavljeno konec leta 2021. Od leta 2017 je coaching izkoristilo tisoč ravnateljev.
The Development of a Coaching Support in Ireland by the Centre for School Leadership (CSL)
The Centre for School Leadership (csl) in Ireland was established in September 2015 by the Department of Education to promote professional learning for leadership in Irish schools. One of the first tasks in the team was to develop a one-to-one coaching program for headteachers. This program was launched in January 2017 and 347 headteachers availed of it that year. The program was evaluated in late 2017. Team coaching was introduced in 2019 for headteachers, their deputies, and some members of their middle leadership team. In 2020, another evaluation was conducted, and this resulted in an extensive report which will be published in late 2021. Over 1000 headteachers have availed of coaching since 2017.