Obvladovanje glasbenega jezika je kompleksen proces, ki se razvija pod vplivi temeljnih glasbenih dejavnosti. Prispevek poudarja ta razvoj v povezavi s poslušanjem glasbe in uporabo glasbenega zapisa v kontekstu Glasbene olimpijade. Na področju poslušanja je razvoj obvladovanja glasbenega jezika preverjan in vrednoten z različnimi tipi nalog s področja glasbenoteoretičnih, oblikovnih pojmov in z glasbenim zapisom. Razumevanje in uporaba glasbenega zapisa se preverjata in vrednotita skozi izvajanje a vista. Dejavnost spodbuja uresničevanje kroskurikularnih povezav splošnega šolstva z glasbenim. Zaradi zahtev mednarodne glasbene olimpijade izstopa potreba po povečanju vsebinske zahtevnosti na področju izvajanja a vista.
Developing a Command of the Language of Music
The command of the language of music is a complex process, which develops under the influence of basic musical activities. The paper highlights this development in connection with listening to music and using a musical notation within the context of the Music Olympiad. From the aspect of listening, the development of the command of the language of music is tested and assessed through different types of tasks relating to the concepts of music theory and musical form, and to musical notation. The understanding and use of musical notation is tested and assessed using sight-reading. This activity facilitates the realisation of cross-curricular links between general education and music education. The requirements of the International Music Olympiad have resulted in the need to increase the difficulty of contents used for sight-reading.