Pred sto petdesetimi leti je James Clerk Maxwell objavil članek Dinamična teorija elektromagnetnega polja. V njem je pojave prvič dosledno opisal z električnim in magnetnim poljem in ugotovil, da je svetloba elektromagnetno valovanje. Nato je razvoj za dvajset let zastal. Nadaljeval se je šele, ko je Oliver Heaviside predelal Maxwellovo elektrodinamiko in uporabil vektorje. Zadnje dvome o njej je premagalo Hertzevo odkritje radijskih valov.
Development of Maxwellian Electrodynamics
A hundred and fifty years ago, James Clerk Maxwell published the paper A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. In it, he consistently described phenomena with the electromagnetic field for the first time, and observed that light is an electromagnetic wave. For the next twenty years, development was at a standstill. It was continued only when Oliver Heaviside reformulated Maxwell’s theory of electrodynamics using vectors. The last doubts vanished when Hertz discovered radio waves.