Razvijanje socialno-emocionalnih kompetenc s pomočjo metode čuječnost pri osebah s posebnimi potrebami

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Socialno-čustveno učenje se razvija od rojstva do pozne starosti in lahko poteka intuitivno, medtem ko pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami zaradi najrazličnejših motenj razvijamo socialno-čustvene kompetence bolj načrtovano z uporabo preproste in učinkovite metode čuječnosti. Visoko razvita čustvena pismenost posamezniku omogoči srečno življenje. Besedo čuječnost lahko razumemo kot zavedanje tega, kar se dogaja tukaj in zdaj z radovednostjo in prijaznostjo, prav tako je proces, ko učimo otroke občutiti in razmišljati. Raziskave so pokazale, da čuječnost pozitivno vpliva tako na človekovo telesno zdravje kot globlje duševne procese, kot je čustvovanje. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami, s katerimi sem v vsakodnevnem stiku, so otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, otroci z avtističnimi motnjami, otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, dolgotrajno bolni otroci, otroci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, gibalno ovirani otroci ter otroci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami. Prek najrazličnejših metod, kot so sprostitev prek telesnega dotika, meditacijske vaje, vizualizacije, priklic dogodkov tukaj in zdaj, zavedanje lastnih čustev ter vloge opazovalca, razvijamo čustvene kompetence otrok s posebnimi potrebami in hkrati prispevamo k večji kakovosti njihovega življenja. Primeri iz prakse kažejo, da prinese uporaba čuječnosti pri razvijanju socialno-čustvenih kompetenc dobre rezultate na področju čustvovanja, vedenja, medosebnih odnosov, šolskega uspeha in sreče.


Developing Socio-Emotional Competences with the Help of the Mindfulness Method in People with Special Needs

Socio-emotional learning is developing from birth till late age and can be intuitive while with children with special needs, due to a wide variety of disorders, we develop socio-emotional competencies fairly planned by using simple and effective methods of mindfulness. Highly developed emotional literacy enables an individual a happy life. The term mindfulness can be understood as accepting awareness of what is going on here and now with the curiosity and kindness, it is also a process when we teach children to feel and think. Researchers have shown that mindfulness has a positive effect on human physical health as well as on deep mental processes such as expression of emotions. Children with special needs, with whom I am in daily contact, are children with mental disorder, children with autistic disorders, children with speech linguistic disorders, children with long-term illnesses, children with deficit in some learning fields, physically handicapped (impaired) children and children with emotional and behavioural (English spelling) disorders. Through different methods such as relaxation through body contacts, meditation exercise, visualization, recollecting events here and now, awareness of one’s own feelings and the role of the observer, we develop emotional competences of children with special needs and at the same time we contribute to higher quality of their lives. Examples from practice show that using mindfulness for developing emotional literacy brings good results in the field of socio-emotional competences, behaviour, mutual relations, school results and happiness.