Razvijanje geografskih veščin je pomembna komponenta pouka geografije v osnovni šoli, ki je dokaj natančno zapisana tudi v učnem načrtu. Z razvojem IKT in številnih aplikacij je smiselna raba le-teh pri pouku, predvsem pa pri terenskem delu. Z nekaj spretnosti je možno tako rekoč vse geografske veščine razvijati s pomočjo IKT. Navedeni so primeri aplikacij, ki jih lahko uporabljamo za razvijanje izbrane veščine. Pri rabi aplikacij je pomembno permanentno izobraževanje učiteljev na področju IKT, saj se to hitro spreminja in nadgrajuje.
Developing Geographic Skills Using ICT in Primary School Geography Class
Developing geographic skills is an important component of primary school geography class which is mostly accurately specified in the curriculum. Given the development of ICT and the many applications, a relevant use of these technologies in class, especially field work, seems logical. With some creativity, practically all geographical skills can be developed by using ICT. The article offers a few examples of which applications can be used to develop a certain skill. When it comes to using applications, it is important that the teachers continue their education in the field of ICT as the area is quickly changing and developing.