Čustva so pomemben del našega vsakdanjega življenja. Čustveni razvoj otroka poteka od rojstva in v njem imamo pomembno vlogo tudi odrasli. Odrasli služimo kot vir informacij (npr. pri učenju pravil čustvenega
izražanja) in tudi kot neposredni vzor, ki ga otroci opazujejo in posnemajo. V prispevku bom predstavila projekt V pisanem svetu čustev in občutkov, ki ga izvajamo v našem vrtcu, z namenom spodbujanja socialnega in čustvenega razvoja predšolskih otrok in razvijanja njihovih socialnih in čustvenih kompetenc.
Developing Emotional Competences in Preschool Children – Development and Prevention Work of the School Consultant
Emotions play an important role in our daily lives. The child’s emotional development begins at birth and adults have a significant part to play in this process both as a source of information (e.g. in learning the rules of emotional expression) and as direct models for children to observe and imitate. The article presents the project entitled “A Colourful World of Emotion and Feeling”, implemented in our kindergarten with the purpose of encouraging the social and emotional development as well as the development of social and emotional competences of preschool children.