Prestopanje mej med šolskimi predmeti in razvijanje veščin 21. stoletja so izzivi sodobnega učitelja. Vendar niti eno področje ne more uspešno delovati, če ga ne sprejme notranje motiviran učenec. Notranja motivacija ni nekaj samoumevnega in ne obstaja sama po sebi, temveč se jo pridobi, usvoji ali se je dotakne preko pozitivnih čustev, izkušenj, sodelovalnega delovanja in lokalnega povezovanja. Pričujoči članek želi pokazati primer iz prakse, kjer so bili učenci s pomočjo povezovanja znanj iz petih predmetov navdahnjeni z uvidom v pomembnost povezovanja ne samo znanj, temveč tudi medsebojnega delovanja in sprejemanja za življenje in njegovo razumevanje.
A Good Practice Example of Inter-subject Connection
Modern teachers face challenges in the form of surpassing boundaries between individual school subjects and developing 21st-century skills. However, not a single lesson can have a successful outcome, if not received by a motivated student. Inner motivation is not a given fact or something that already exists, but rather something one acquires, learns or gets into contact with through positive emotions, experience, cooperation and local connections. The purpose of this article is to present a practice example of students, who, through the interconnection of knowledge, otherwise taught in five different subjects, were inspired by the realization of how important it is to connect knowledge as well as social giving and taking in order to live and understand one’s life.