Preverjanje domačega branja na daljavo

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V prispevku je predstavljena izkušnja srednješolske učiteljice iz časa, ko se je karantena zaradi koronavirusa šele začela (konec marca 2020) in se je bilo treba hitro znajti, na kakšen način bi lahko na daljavo preverili, ali so dijaki prebrali domače branje. Šole takrat še niso redno uporabljale določenih medijev, aplikacij za izvedbo takih preverjanj, čeprav so jih poznale. Na Dvojezični srednji šoli v Lendavi že leta uporabljajo spletno učilnico Moodle, povsem nova pa je bila aplikacija eAsistenta, imenovana
Kanal, ki jo je učiteljica z dijaki izbrala kot možnost varne in učinkovite komunikacije o domačem branju. Dva tedna kasneje so začeli uporabljati aplikacijo za videokonference Zoom. Izkušnja, čeprav je od takrat poteklo skoraj eno leto, potrjuje, da v primeru, kadar dijaki nimajo možnosti uporabljati videokonference, uporabijo alternativne možnosti, kot je opisana v prispevku. Poleg tega je takšen pogovor tudi arhiviran in ga dijaki raje znova preberejo, kot da bi si ogledovali videoposnetke. Predstavljen je način komunikacije, obravnava domačega branja ter načrtovani cilji in kompetence, ki so se pri tem razvijale, ter način vrednotenja, ki naj bi dijake vzpodbujal k branju.


Assessing Required Reading at a Distance

The article presents the experience of a secondary school teacher from late March 2020 when the first coronavirus quarantine was put in place and she had to quickly come up with a way of assessing at a distance whether the students had read their required reading. Back then, schools were not regularly using certain media and applications for performing such assessments, even though they were familiar with them. The Bilingual Secondary School in Lendava has been using the virtual classroom Moodle for many years; one innovation was the eAsistent application called Kanal (Channel), which the teacher chose together with the students as an option for safe and effective communication about the required reading. Two weeks later, they started using the videoconferencing application Zoom. Experience has confirmed, even though it has been almost a year, that when students do not have the opportunity to use videoconferences, they use alternative options such as the one described in the article. Moreover, such talks are also archived and students prefer to read them again rather than watch the videos again. The article presents the type of communication, the discussion of the required reading, the planned objectives, the competencies developed in the process, and the assessment method that was intended to encourage students to read.