Problematičnost spolne segregacije v izobraževalnih in poklicnih izbirah mladih je na ravni politik in raziskovanja prepoznana predvsem na področjih znanosti, tehnologije, inženirstva in matematike. V članku pa pozornost preusmerjamo na spolno segregiranost področij izobraževanja, zdravja in socialnega varstva. Izhajamo iz teze, da so poklici na teh področjih kulturno obremenjeni s spolnimi stereotipi, da je to ‘žensko delo’, kar lahko predstavlja enega od razlogov, zakaj se fantje ne odločajo za te poklice. Članek predstavlja metodo kariernega svetovanja, ki smo jo oblikovali v mednarodnem projektu Fantje v skrbstvenih poklicih po nemškem in avstrijskem zgledu Dneva za fante. Fantom v zadnji triadi osnovne šole metoda omogoča izkustveno seznanjanje s feminiziranimi poklici na področjih izobraževanja, zdravja in socialnega varstva kot spolno nevtralnimi, družbeno pomembnimi in perspektivnimi za zaposlitev.
Overcoming Gender Stereotypes in Career Guidance in the Field of Education, Health Care and Social Welfar
At the level of policies and research, the problem of gender segregation in young people’s choice of education and career has been identified mostly in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Th is article focuses instead on gender segregation in the fields of education, health care and social welfare. It stems from the hypothesis that the professions in these fields are culturally burdened by gender stereotypes, e.g. ‘a woman’s job’, which may be one reason why boys do not opt for these professions. Th e article presents a career counselling method developed under the international project Boys in Care, following the German and Austrian example of Boys’ Day. Th is method enables boys in the last triennium of elementary school to experience the feminized professions in the fields of education, health care and social welfare as gender-neutral, socially significant and promising as regards employment.