Selektivni mutizem je anksiozna motnja, zaradi katere otrok zunaj svojega doma oz. v manj znanih socialnih situacijah ne govori. Večina ne zmore govoriti z odraslimi in vrstniki v šoli oz. vrtcu ter v javnosti, kot tudi ne z družinskimi prijatelji in razširjeno družino. Otrok lahko komunicira s kimanjem in kazanjem, lahko pa sploh ne. Ker so zgodnje intervence zelo pomembne, je pomembno, da predvsem terapevti in učitelji dobro poznajo motnjo in načine, kako otrokom pomagati pri premagovanju njihovih strahov.
Let’s End the Silence – How Can We Help Children with Selective Mutism?
Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder characterised by a child’s inability to speak outside their home or in less familiar social situations. Most children are unable to speak with adults and peers in school or kindergarten, or in public, nor with friends of the family and their extended family. A child might communicate by nodding and pointing, or not even that. As early interventions are very important, it is vital that therapists and teachers in particular are very familiar with this disorder and with the methods that help the children to overcome their fears.