V članku predstavljamo učno situacijo, ko dijaki skozi igro in preiskovanje razvijajo razumevanje algebrskega zapisa. Hkrati jih motiviramo za učenje matematike. S pomočjo mobilne aplikacije Zajci dijaki raziskujejo in rešujejo probleme ter medsebojno aktivno sodelujejo. Učitelj opazuje dijake, beleži njihove rešitve in strategije, jih spodbuja ter usmerja. Postavlja tudi preiskovalna vprašanja in jih vodi do cilja učne situacije. V članku je vključen podroben opis poteka učne situacije, v katerem so zapisane dejavnosti učitelja in dijakov.
Investigation Activity with Rabbits App
This paper presents a learning situation where students develop their understanding of algebraic notation
through play and experimentation while being motivated to learn mathematics. Using the Rabbits app and online game, students explore, problem-solve, and actively interact with each other. The teacher observes and records students‘ solutions and strategies, encourages and guides them, asks investigative questions and leads them to the goal of the learning situation. A detailed description of the learning situation and the lesson flow with teacher and student activities is included to the article.