Pouk v šolski knjižnici – s 5. razredom o ljudskih pravljicah

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V prispevku je prikazan primer izvedbe ure KIZ v povezavi z ljudskimi pravljicami v 5. razredu. Ljudske pravljice so tema mnogih učnih ur vse od prvega razreda naprej. Pri izvedeni uri so učenci ljudsko pravljico Jaga baba spoznali malo drugače kot običajno – z družabno igro, z ogledom videoposnetka ter z reševanjem učnega lista. Ob izvedbi tej ure z učenci ponovimo postavitev gradiva v knjižnici, posebej izpostavimo ljudsko slovstvo in ponovimo, kako učenci poiščejo določeno pravljico na sami polici in v posameznih zbirkah pravljic. To so potem učenci tudi storili in poiskano pravljico v govornem nastopu predstavili sošolcem. Bili so navdušeni, ker so lahko izbirali ljudske pravljice iz različnih držav ter tako predstavili tudi državo, običaje in jezik.


Lessons on Folk Tales in the School Library with the 5th Grade

The paper presents the implementation of a library and information knowledge (KIZ) lesson in connection with folk tales in the 5th grade. Folk tales are a topic of many lessons since the first grade onward. During this lesson, the pupils came to know the Jaga baba folk tale in a slightly different way than usual – through a party game, by watching a video, and by filling out a handout. During the lesson, we once again went over the layout of material in the library, pointed out folk literature in particular, and revised how pupils can find a specific tale on the shelf and in individual collections of tales. Afterwards, the pupils did just that and presented the tale they had found to their classmates in an oral presentation. The pupils loved it because they were able to choose folk tales from various countries and use them to present the country, its customs and language.