Pouk geografije v osnovni šoli za odrasle

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Članek predstavlja pouk geografi je v osnovni šoli za odrasle. Opredeljena je populacija ljudi, ki je vključena v to obliko izobraževanja. Gre za izobraževanje, ki je prilagojeno potrebam odraslih; program je javno veljaven ter poteka po predmetniku osnovne šole za odrasle. Poudarjene so razlike v pristopu, dojemanju stvari in motivaciji pri pouku geografije. To dokazujeta tudi dodani urni učni pripravi.


Geography in Adult Education (at Primary Level)

The article presents a primary school geography education for adults. It includes the definition of the population included in this form of education. The programme is adapted to the needs of adults, applies to the public and is implemented based on the primary school curriculum for adults. The article emphasises the differences in the approach, perception of things and motivation in geography education, evidenced by the supporting material – two class preparations.